Inner Voice ezine

Once upon a time, long ago, I tried to start up my own ezine called Inner Voice. I made it to five issues before giving up. It was a free ezine asking for people to submit their material for free. I claimed no rights to any of it and would give them full credit and often linked back to their sites if they wanted me to. We were all doing it for exposure bucks, including me. It didn't fail because of lack of submissions, it failed because of my inability to keep any project going... ever. Sadly this is one of my regrets, I should have kept pushing. Sadly issue four seems to be lost to time, probably in one of my many computer or external hard drive failures. Anybody having a copy drop me a line please (peteramthor at gmail dot com).

Kult material was in every issue, mostly from me. The Waterways of Metropolis was one of them, it will soon be getting its own section on the main page. Until then it's here in these issues.