This is a collection of mostly fan material and extra stuff that folks have created and released online over the years. Also maybe a few 'official' things that appeared in now long out of print gaming magazines and such. Right now I'm just putting up links to the pdfs and later I'll go back and add in more detailed information on what's actually in them. If anybody has anything they would like to add that isn't already here (or is an alternate/updated version) please contact me at peteramthor at gmail dot com.
Now this last bit is a bit more than fan material. It's the Kult / World of Darkness crossover that appeared in the pages of White Wolf magazine back in the day. Paul Beakley, the author, gave The Last Cycle folks permission to give the material a new look with an updated layout and artwork. Since The Last Cycle is no longer around I'm putting that up here as well for anyone who wants it.